First by
The coming of the Holy Family to Egypt (Matt.2: 13- 15) is a special blessing. The Holy family is considered as the 1st preacher in Egypt.
Then, some Egyptians were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts : 2: 10)
Our church is distinguished for being the most ancient church in the world.
It was established in Alexandria, Egypt by saint Mark the Apostle and the Evangelist in the year 61 AD. Saint Mark is the one who wrote the gospel.
Upon his arrival to Alexandria, Anianus, a shoe maker, was the first to believe in the Lord Christ through st. MARK
After some time st Mark first ordained Anianus as a bishop and ordained 3 priests and 7 deacons.
That is how the church started.
So St. Mark is our 1st pope.
And when St. Mark was martyred in the year 68 AD. Anianus became the 2nd pope or Patriarch.
And so on , great fathers were on the chair of St. Mark (the Alexandria chair) and now we have pope Tawadros the 2nd
Our church is traditional. It means that we kept the teaching and the faith as we received it from the, Apostles, the forefathers who received everything from Jesus himself without any change.
Our teaching resources are the bible, patrology and the liturgy.
+ Some of the most famous Alexandrian church fathers who championed the Orthodox faith were St. Athanasius of Alexandria (328 – 373) the great opponent of Arianism, and St. Cyril (412 – 444 ) who opposed Nestorius at the council of Ephesus in 431.
+ Monasticism is important contribution of the Copts world civilization. St. Antony of Egypt (251- 356) is known as “the father of the monks” he is the founder of the unified system of Monasticism and his biography was written by St. Athanasius shortly after the saint’s death.
This biography influenced the Christian world.
St. Athanasius had a warm, friendly relationship with st. Anthony , he spent much time learning from him in the desert.
+The Church was one everywhere in the world, starting from the 1st century till the middle of the 5th century because of Chalcedon council.
The Coptic Church didn’t accept the council of Chalcedon and kept
the formula of Saint Cyril, speaking of ” one incarnate physis of God the word,” referring to the Humanity and Divinity of Christ being united. And not 2 physes as the other group believes.
+ The Greek word “physis” should be understood as “ nature ” We believe that Christ is fully God and fully man without separation or confusion.
There are some sister churches also who refused that council and they are one in faith like us.
They are the Syrian Orthodox of Antioch , Armenian Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, Eritrean Orthodox, and Indian Orthodox.